Coral Reef Restoration

Since 1950, the world has witnessed the loss of 50% of its coral reefs. Scientists warn that if no action is taken, 90% of these vital ecosystems will disappear by 2050. The restoration of coral reefs is not only crucial for preserving marine biodiversity but also essential in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which emphasize the importance of protecting our oceans and marine life.

Some of the major threats facing coral reefs:

Climate change can cause coral bleaching and damage the structural integrity of coral reefs due to rising sea temperatures and ocean acidification.

Overfishing of herbivorous fish can lead to an overgrowth of algae that may smother and kill coral reefs. This occurs because these fish play a crucial role in maintaining the health of coral ecosystems by grazing on algae.

Coastal development, such as land reclamation, can alter water quality and increase sedimentation, which can harm coral reefs.

Pollution from urban and agricultural runoff can introduce fertilizers and chemicals into the marine environment, harming coral reefs in the process.

The World’s First 3D-Printed Reef Tiles Made from Clay

A new and unique way to help restore degraded reefs. Our cost and time effective Reef Tiles are entirely customizable, environmentally friendly, easy to assemble and most importantly, has a higher survivorship rate than any other method.

The Material

Each of our patented Reef Tiles are 3D-printed in terracotta clay, which is a non-toxic, and fully eco-friendly material that doesn’t negatively impact the ocean and its marine life.

The Components

Prevents the Reef Tiles
from sinking into the

Inspired by a coral named Platygyra, which is one of the best in the world when dealing with sedimentation stress.

Provides stability to the Reef Tiles when placed on the seabed.

The Process


Baseline Assessment

Pre-deployment site-survey to gather environmental data and define project scope.



Placing our Reef Tiles on the seabed and seeding them with coral fragments.


Impact Reporting

Making the impact more quantifiable via relevant data insights.


Impact Reporting

Making the impact more quantifiable via relevant data insights.


Impact Reporting

Making the impact more quantifiable via relevant data insights.


Impact Reporting

Making the impact more quantifiable via relevant data insights.


Impact Reporting

Making the impact more quantifiable via relevant data insights.

Awards & Recognition




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